This 628 acre subdivision required Comal County approval and extensive floodplain analysis and FEMA map revisions. This 368 single family subdivision included underground dry utilities and multi-plate arch bridge crossings. Lots in this rural subdivision are 1.0 acre and larger.
Complete preliminary planning, street, drainage and water distribution system for this rural Hill Country subdivision. This subdivision consists of 185 lots averaging 1.25 acres in size, underground dry utilities, and a multi-plate arch bridge crossing Yorks Creek. The bridge crossing includes 4 – 21’ 0” wide x 8’11” tall steel arches to pass the 100-year FEMA storm.
This Project consists of water and road improvements for a rural subdivision located in Burnet County on Ranch Road 690 on the eastern shore of Lake Buchanan. The work included erosion/sedimentation control, street excavation and embankment, flexible base improvements, HMAC, water distribution mains, service connections and miscellaneous improvements to complete this rural subdivision. The Project also included TCEQ permitting for a surface water treatment plant and a private community boat dock. The Project included service pumps and a 100,000-gallon finished water clearwell. The improvements serve approximately 83 lots and consist of the following:
A 670 acre mixed-use community located in Hays County within the City of Buda. The total number of lots is 1,988. This subdivision has over 100 acres of parkland dedication along Garlic Creek, approximately 594 acres of single family residential and 75 acres of commercial development. Garden home lots are also part of this development.
Amenities include 2 miles of walking trails along the Garlic Creek, channel improvements, 84,500 linear feet of curbed streets, water and wastewater mains. This Site lies partially over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. Thirteen water quality/detention ponds are part of this development. Plans required TCEQ, TxDOT, Hays County and City of Buda approval. Residential lot sizes average 8,000 square feet. Various offsite water, wastewater, and transportation improvements are part of this Project. A Flood Study of Garlic Creek was completed with this Master Plan.
This 271 acre planned single family residential community is located at the south corner of Bradshaw Road and Old Lockhart Road in southeast Travis County. The development improvements include 12 detention/water quality ponds and approximately 22,650 linear feet of local and neighborhood collector streets, storm sewer, water and wastewater mains and underground utilities. The subdivision includes a total of 1,005 lots.
The Kensington Subdivision is a planned family residential community consisting of 591 lots on a 162 acre tract located at Bebee Road and Dacy Lane east of IH 35 in Kyle, Texas. This Subdivision includes:
Cullen Country is a 67 acre single family residential community located on FM 967 just west of Buda, Texas. This subdivision consists of 210 lots averaging 8,000 square feet per lot. There is 12.49 acres of parkland and open space. Project includes two water quality/detention ponds. A Flood Study of Garlic Creek and its tributaries was required for Preliminary Plan. The Project includes 9,206 LF of street and drainage improvements.
The Whispering Hollow Subdivision is a development of approximately 825 lots on a 235 acre tract located in Hays County west of the City of Buda near FM 967 and FM 1626. The Project includes erosion/sedimentation control, street excavation and embankment, flexible base improvements, HMAC, water distribution mains, water quality ponds, service connections, electrical service including streetlight improvements and miscellaneous improvements to complete this urban subdivision.
The Stoneridge Subdivision is a single family development of approximately 273 lots on a 55 acre tract located east of IH 35 and Goforth Road. The Project is within the City of Buda’s corporate limits. The construction of the Project includes the typical subdivision infrastructure improvements: street, water, wastewater, storm drain, and three water quality/detention ponds.
The Villages of Berry Creek Subdivision is a single family development of 243 lots on a 72 acre tract located in Georgetown at the corner of County Road 190 and Briarcrest Drive. This Project includes design of street, drainage, water, wastewater, dry utility infrastructure and two water quality/detention ponds.
The Upper East End Subdivision is a development of 98 single-family residential lots on a 29 acre tract located at 3010 East Howard Lane in the City of Austin Corporate limits. This Project consists of grading residential lots, completing street, drainage, water, wastewater, dry utility infrastructure and three water quality/detention ponds. A Flood Study and Environmental Report was required for the Preliminary Plan.
This senior living apartment complex is in the City of Buda and contains 120 housing units on 5.81 acres. The Project is located on Fire Cracker Drive off FM 2001 east of IH 35.
The Project has a total of:
The Tuscany Apartment complex is located in the City of Buda on 13 acres of land. The Project is located on FM 2001 just east of Interstate Highway 35.
The Project includes a permanent pool wetland pond with a recirculating pump for water quality. The Project includes the following:
This apartment complex in the City of San Marcos and contains 134 housing units on 10 acres. Civil improvements include 3,325 linear feet of 4 to 10-inch diameter water mains and 2,300 linear feet of wastewater lines. This Project also included french drains, storm sewer, retaining walls, underground electric and telecommunications.
The Bishop’s Corner Project required the analysis of an existing detention pond at LBJ and Craddock Avenue, which was requested by the City of San Marcos in order to determine existing and proposed capacity.
This apartment complex is in the City of Kyle and contains 309 housing units on 15.35 acres. The Project is located on Bebee Road east of Interstate Highway 35.
This Project consists of two detentions ponds, water and wastewater lines, extensive grading and drainage plans, as well as pool and clubhouse amenities.
The Project has a total of:
The Emerson at Buda is a multi-family residential community approved as a Development Agreement by the Buda City Council. It is located on the east side of Interstate Highway 35. The 16.14 acre tract lies on the south side of FM 2001 approximately 0.9 miles east of Interstate Highway 35 in northeastern Hays County, Texas. The subject property has direct access to FM 2001.
The Project includes the following:
The Blanco Riverwalk Subdivision is a 13.00 acre proposed multi-family residential development located west of Cotter Avenue and northeast of Riverway Avenue within the City of San Marcos, Texas. This Project is situated west of Interstate Highway 35 in the north central part of the City.
The Landing at Whisper Apartments, a multifamily community located within the corporate boundary of the City of San Marcos. It is located on the north side of Susurro Parkway. The 13.15 acre tract lies approximately ¼ mile east of Interstate 35.
The Project includes the following:
The Garlic Creek Wastewater Interceptor was designed to serve the Garlic Creek watershed upstream of the City of Buda. Cuatro Consultants assisted the City in updating the design route through the Cullen Country and Garlic Creek developments.
The first segment of construction through Cullen Country included approximately 2,000 linear feet of 18” gravity PVC, F679 main. The Project also included 10 manholes, approximately 60 feet of 24 steel casing in highway bore, various easements and right-of-way acquisition. The first segment crossed Garlic Creek. The Project was completed in 2003.
The Bradshaw Crossing Subdivision is a 978 single family residential lot subdivision located on Old Lockhart Highway off East Slaughter Lane in southeast Austin.
The Offsite improvements included:
This Project replaced various small water mains with a new 12 inch water main. This rehabilitative project consisted of installing 2,515 linear feet of 12 inch PVC water main, gate valves, wet connections and fire hydrants to offer improved fire flow service to existing businesses and the new Mira Vista office complex along Bee Caves Road. All wet connections were scheduled at night since the existing water system had to be shut down. Project required extensive coordination with the City of Rollingwood and existing commercial development along Bee Caves Road. The Project was completed in July 2002.
Complete site permit development design of this new RV Sales and Service Center on the east side of IH-35 near Buda. The Project includes approximately 27,100 square yards of base and pavement drive and parking areas. The building is 25,000 square feet. The Project includes 3,485 linear feet of 4-inch water line, two detention ponds, an on-site sewage facility, and a vehicle wash station with water reclamation unit. This project required City of Buda, Hays County, and TxDOT approval. Cuatro assisted the Owner in negotiating a wastewater line extension to serve this tract and adjoining acreage. Similarly, the Project required a Goforth SUD water line extension to provide potable water.
This Marshall’s Travelland site in Buda was redeveloped as the regional sales auction for America’s Auto Auction in 2010.
Phase 2 and 3 of America’s Auto Auction consisted of a vacant 17 acre tract of land developed into parking and storage space for expanding the existing America’s Auto Auction facility.
This Project lies in the City of Buda on the east side of Interstate Highway 35.
The Project required extensive grading and drainage plans to adequately direct, manage, and maintain the runoff created from adding large amounts of impervious cover. The construction included two significant detention and water quality ponds
This Project has a total of:
The Project is re-developing an existing 7.69 acre facility located at 3067 East Commerce Street in east San Antonio.
The Project consisted of a complete re-development of parking and building facilities which led to new water and wastewater design for the site and a detention pond.
The Project has a total of:
The Project consists of a 6.41-acre tract located at 5912 Bolm Road in East Austin. The Project lies within the City of Austin corporate limits.
The Project includes the maintaining of existing operations while the new facilities were constructed. This required extensive coordination with Contractor and operations during construction.
The Project consists of a 6.0 acre tract located at Goforth Road and County Road 180. The Project lies within the City of Kyle corporate limits.
The Project consists of:
This Project consists of a 4.4 acre tract located at U.S. Highway 71 near Hidden Creek Lane. The Project lies in the Bee Creek watershed. The Project required approval from LCRA and Travis County.
The Project consists of:
This Project consists of an 8.7 acre commercial tract located in north central Seguin. The Project is within the City of Sequin city limits. The Project lies within the Guadalupe River watershed. The Project required extensive coordination with TxDOT due to limited frontage.
The Project consists of:
The proposed Project consists of a 14.33 acre tract located at FM 3351 and Guthrie Road. The Project lies in Kendall County in the Cibolo Creek watershed.
The Project consists of: